Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adventure Travel in Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada

The Pursuit of Life has gone international! I’ve spent 5 days on Grand Manan Island in New Brunswick, Canada which has included a circumnavigation of the island as well as some mountain biking, hiking and good old-fashioned tourism. Grand Manan Island was grand like the Grand Canyon is grand!
Cliffs of Grand Manan Island
Two years ago, I journeyed to the easternmost point in America, West Quoddy Head, Maine, and watched the sunrise. I saw a curious sight- a cliffy island due East! Later I found out it was actually Grand Manan Island and was part of New Brunswick. Sometime between then and now, I got the idea to head out to that island to see what’s good. When the stars aligned for me to get 5 days off of work and school, I took the opportunity.
Biking Grand Manan Island
Grand Manan Island lies 9 miles East of Maine in the World-famous Bay of Fundy. It is the southernmost territory of New Brunswick and is a somewhat hidden tourist destination for eastern Canadians and a few Mainers. What draws people to Grand Manan? Pleasant island cottages, beaches, the highest tides in the World, friendly locals and a unique coastal environment are just a few reasons. Adventure Travel (the focus of all my trips) has also begun to take root on this seemingly inaccessible island.
I designed my trip to accomplish a few goals and leave ample time for side trips and quirky doins’. My main goals were- 1. Circumnavigate the island by kayak, 2. Bike along the coastal routes, 3. Hike a few trails. I knew that even under terrible conditions, the circumnavigation would take 3 days so there would still be time for other adventures!
Quaint fishing towns and classic Bay of Fundy tides
In the end, I got way more than I bargained for! Not only did I have a successful circumnavigation, I was also able to bike half of the island, hike countless trails and I even spent a bunch of time with the extremely kind and friendly locals! I had time to make a second kayak trip and make a trip to White Head Island nearby. All in all, it was one of the best travel experiences I’ve ever had. I would go so far to say that if I had to chose between a trip to the Caribbean or going back to Grand Manan Island, I would chose the latter.

The next several posts will be about the several exciting adventures I had on this magical island. Enjoy!

Read. Plan. Get Out There!

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