Monday, August 27, 2012

Hiking Saddleback Mountain and the Horn, Rangeley, Maine: New England 4,000 Footers

A classic Maine adventure on the Appalachian Trail which climbs Maine's 8th highest peak. Saddleback Mountain also has an extensive alpine zone with views all the way to Katahdin and Mt Washington.
Saddleback Mountain, Maine
The second stop on my little Western Maine road trip was Saddleback Mountain! I stayed the night in Rangeley and ate at a nice little bar with a bunch of Appalachian Trail hikers. Rangeley has been profoundly shaped by the AT. In fact, nearly everyone there was either hiking the trail or on a multi-day fishing trip. It seemed like Alaska.

The trailhead for Saddleback Mountain is near the height of the land on Route 4 and is well marked. From here, I crossed the road and followed the Appalachian Trail for a relatively gentle first 1.4 miles.

I soon came upon Piazza Rock campsite which was not far from the actual rock. Piazza Rock was not to be missed- this massive outcropping looked somewhat like a turret and provided enough of an overhang to shelter an entire troop of campers. You can also climb to the top of it and look over the precipitous overhang. It was a nice little break in the action along the steep trail to Saddleback.

Continuing onward from Piazza Rock, the trail stays pretty flat for a while until it begins its steep ascent to Eddy Pond. There were a few picturesque lakes which made the brutal ascent worthwhile and Eddy Pond was absolutely stunning. Just a small, clear blue alpine lake reminding northbound AT hikers that the most beautiful section is coming up. It seemed like I was the only person out on a day hike- I saw several Southbound AT hikers from all across the country. Hiking this trail is always such a social affair!
Piazza Rock, Rangeley, ME
Eddy Pond
Eddy Pond is a great place for lunch or a snack before heading up the murderous trail up Saddleback. This trail is pretty brutal but eventually it gets above treeline and has epic views. Don't assume you're close to the summit though! There are a half dozen false-summits before the true one. Some folks who chose to hike from the ski resort on the mountain will also start to crowd the trail. Nevertheless the summit is every bit as wonderful as Katahdin with the Rangeley lakes below!

From here you can head back down the way you came or go on to the Horn which is a 500ft nubble that qualifies as one of Maine's fourteen 4,000-footers. Most people who hike the Horn are, of course, trying to complete all the 4,000-footers but the views from the top make it a worthy destination in its own right. The annoying descent and re-ascent of the Horn trail may discourage some, but it is a full 1.5 miles of uninterrupted vistas which rival those of the Presidential Traverse. I'd recommend it whether or not you care about 4,000-footers.
Just above Treeline on Saddleback
Trail from Saddleback to the Horn
Overlooking the Rangeley Lakes on the AT
The total distance is just over 14 miles and well worth the distance and elevation gain. Its impressively large alpine zone and prominence offer one of the best vistas in Maine. I probably say that about everything I climb these days but this was outstanding. Can't wait to do this again in the winter.

Read. Plan. Get Out There!


  1. Hello,your adventures are always amazing...i'm only a flight simmer and i "virtual fly" over the territories of Maine, a very beautiful country, but with your photos i complete the work of fantasy :) thankyou

    1. Thank you so much! I had no idea it was so beautiful in Maine until I moved here about a year and a half ago. Hopefully you can make it up here some time!

  2. You talked me into it! I am doing it this weekend. Nice write-up.



  3. The height of land is located on RT 17 (not RT 4)

  4. The height of land is located on RT 17 (not RT 4)
