Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hiking Backbone Mountain (Hoye Crest), Maryland State High Pouint

Western Maryland is in stark contrast to the hills and lowlands of Baltimore and the Chesapeake Bay. Backbone Mountain is Maryland's highest in a sea of sharp ridges and massive plateaus.
The summit of Hoye Crest has panoramic views.
Day 9
Miles: I don't remember!

State Highpoint #4! Traveling through Western Maryland has been quite scenic. I knew from looking at a topographic map that it would be rugged but seeing it in person is much better. This morning I actually toured the famous Fallingwater House in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania, a rather cultural visit on this otherwise wild road trip. Then I turned south and crossed a dozen back roads before coming though Oakland, Maryland. This was somewhat of a ski town and a frontier town that probably has great potential for adventure. I was sorry I was just passing though.

Meanwhile, I continued south, crossed US Route 50 and entered West Virginia. The summit lies almost on the border between the two states. The parking area is marked with a sign that says "Maryland High Point". Here's a map-

High Point Parking Area
As you can see, it isn't all that difficult of a hike. As of Sept 2014, the trail is very well maintained and marked with red "HP" tags. It is roughly a mile to the summit. The trail jogs back and forth, skirting the state line before finally cresting. It is steep but short.

Just before the summit, the trail crosses the West Virginia-Maryland line and comes to an open area where pictures are the best. The summit itself is well maintained by the Highpointers Club. A register, picnic table and monument are all present.
The summit of Maryland!
Clearing near the summit
Maryland is such a beautiful state. The highpoint is just one summit in a particularly rugged part of the state. It is certainly not the only thing worth seeing if you come all the way out here.

Read. Plan. Get Out There!

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