Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hiking Slide Mountain via Burroughs Trail, New York

Slide Mountain is the famous high point of the Catskills Mountains of upstate New York. While not quite as high as the Adirondacks, Slide Mountain does support an alpine environment and two nice viewpoints.

Slide Mountain's lovely alpine summit
Day: 4
Miles: 495

I suppose I am a bit of a weanie for hiking Slide Mountain via the easy way but again, I had much to see. Slide Mountain is the highest peak in the Catskills although, unlike the Adirondacks, the mountains are almost all the same elevation. This is because the Catskills are a desiccated plateau- a plateau that has been eroded over time. So the area has a much similar appearance to West Virginia and Tennessee. I guess this would mean that Slide Mountain is just the least eroded out of all of them.

Slide Mountain can be climbed a number of ways ranging from quick trips like this one to all day affairs with significant scrambling. The Burroughs Trail approaches from the West and is almost at the height of the land between Slide and the western peaks. It is a very straightforward 5.5 mile round trip hike.
Lush forests dominate the lower part of the hike
The hike could be divided up into three distinct sections. The first mile (or so) is a gentle rise though deciduous forests. There's a short flat section as well before the trail forks and you follow the yellow-dot trail up. The next mile is where most of the elevation is gained. The trail then flattens out a little before coming to another fork- continue straight (east) for about half to 3/4ths of a mile to the actual summit. There aren't an abundance of views on this hike, but there are two points just on either side of the summit trail. The fire tower is no longer there.
View #1, just west of the summit.
View #2 just east of the summit
As you can tell, the views are mostly directional and aren't as grand as what is usually expected in the Adirondacks and Whites but they're nice nonetheless. I am sure that the Catskill 3500 Footer Club could probably direct me to some lesser known summits with much better views. If you know of them, please leave a comment. I would love to come back!

The whole hike took no longer than 3 hours and it was very easy, compared to other New York hikes. I am glad I could experience a small part of the Catskills on this road trip but man, there is just so much to see in this state that I will have to save for another day.

Read. Plan. Get Out There!

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